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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My very first Wedding Dinner!!!

My BF and I were invited to a wedding dinner last Saturday! Why I said it was my first wedding dinner? It was my "FIRST" wedding dinner invited by my friend instead of my relatives. The feeling is different. I am more excited to attend friend's wedding dinner. 

All right, the beautiful bride (Jie Yu) was my classmates during my diploma course at TARC, Johor Branch. I am still remember our class only got 4 girls in the class includes me. The relationship of the three other girls are cousins. It seems very special. But after one week I joined the class, there were another girl joined our class.

Although we never meet up for five years long, but I am still feeling excited when received her invitation. And, thanks to her invitation, this wedding dinner can also considered as our DMK gathering!

The wedding dinner was held on Saturday (24/5), 7pm at 新国泰(Taman Molek). My dear and I were going there from Singapore. Another friends were going from KL and reached in the Saturday morning. We booked two rooms at Kulai to overnight. 3 ladies stayed in a room and 4 gentles stayed another room. My dear and I reached there around 4.30 pm because he worked on the Saturday. We were departed from Bugis at 1.30 and reached Malaysia custom at 2.30++pm. Actually, we planned to take cab to Kulai because it takes around two hours to reach Kulai if we take bus. But, no driver willing to fetch us to Kulai. Therefore, the only choices was take bus. Luckily, the bus to Kulai reached within 15 mins and it took half an hours to reach Kulai. We were waiting PingLe to fetch us to the hotel at McD and by the way feed my stomach. 

We reached the hotel around 4.30++pm. Once I entered the room, I were surprised because the room was totally out of my expectation. It was super comfortable and I love its design. I can't really remember the hotel name. If not mistaken, I think which is Castlello Hotel. And, the price only RM99 per room for one night!! Strongly recommended!!

Well, the hotel's phone is ringing when I put down my bag and start to chit chat with Ainee and Angie. The guys said we will depart to Jie Yu's wedding dinner at 5.30pm because Ping Le have to fetch his GF at City Square. OH GOSH!! half and hour is totally not enough for girls to make up and prepare!! Therefore, we quickly started our "transforming"! I even don't have enough time to wear eyelash and straighten my hair. Luckily, Angie's bf willing to wait for us and we departed at 6pm. Another car departed at 5.30pm.

The dinner started at 7pm and beautiful bridegroom and bride with elegant dress entered at 8pm. In fact, all the gentles with us already drunk before the bridegroom and bride enter!! =.="...The dinner ended at 10.30pm and it's the time to take photo with the bridegroom and bride! Again, thanks to Jieyu for the invitation. I knew you will be a happiness wife because you have a good good husband and wish you 早生贵子!!!

Selfie time!!

with my dear, love this photo so much.. credited to ah bu!
This was the first time I applied full make up! I regret didn't bring my camera along. All pics are very low quality and super blur!

 we keeps posing to take photo in the room..

with Jenny


 with Angie

 selfie with beautiful BRIDE--Jie Yu

with Ainee

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


不知不觉已经放了两个星期的“假期”。这两个个星期可以说是蛮奔波的。回hometown,去Malacca, Batu Pahat, Ulutiram, 然后又回到Singapore。其实我还蛮享受现在的生活,可是没收入,我的存款已经一点一点地在减少中。可是我到现在都还没有找工咧。OMG!!!不知道为什么我就是没有动力去找工作.......... >_< 身边的人都在问我,真的是皇帝不急太监急啊!



“放假”开始的第一天我就回Labis了。因为好久都没回家看看我家的四个小冬瓜了!可是当我回到家后,居然一个瓜都没有在家。原来是回他们的外婆家了...伤心啊...由于两个大瓜要上学,所以两天后他们就回家了。因为星期二和四都有上parttime course, 所以计划星期二就会回去新加坡。可是我妈星期一要到KL开会,没有照顾着两个大瓜,所以只能skip class 星期四才会去。我妈去KL的这三天两夜,就由我照顾他们两个。这是我的第一次哦。每天早上7点起床准备早餐,然后叫他们起床(这是最难的工作),换校服,最后就是哥哥载他们放学。十二点,等他们从学校回来,看着他们吃饭,然后冲凉。姐姐1.30有下午班,所以只剩妹妹在家里自己玩,然后睡觉(其实还蛮轻松的,哈哈)。姐姐四点半下课回来后就督促他做功课,练习听写。原本还有点担心做不来,不过结果要比我想象的好许多。给自己100分,哈哈!

在家呆了一个星期后便回到新加坡去上课啦。由于星期五是GoodFriday,男友不需上班就跟他一起回ParitRaja 啦。通常我们都会去唱歌逛街吃东西,没什么特别的。就这样过了三天两夜。星期天,他回新加坡,我就回到Labis. 当天傍晚就和哥哥带两个大瓜去芙蓉找大嫂和其他两位小瓜。晚上回家时,哥哥就顺便在我到马六甲找二姐。因为我要检查牙齿(免费的哦)!星期二的时候,我又回到了新加坡。

又到了星期五,因为星期六和婆婆庆祝母亲节,所以星期五就到UluTiram 和家人回合。星期天才直接从UluTiram 回到新加坡。这两个星期就这样来来回回的。真的没有时间找工作。好希望有份工作可以自动来找我呀!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2014


最近发现只要我到能够接触大自然的地方我都会带着顶“大草帽”。 原本标题我想“小草帽女孩骑车记”, 但想想小草帽好像有点可爱,都25岁了还装可爱好像有点恶心,所以就把它改成大草帽咯。而且这顶帽子确实是挺大的。话说我老豆还蛮喜欢我戴帽的look呢!见我戴帽就夸好看!哈哈!

以前读书的时候很向往城市生活,可是做工后我心里每天都想着要Escape, 要Getaway! 现在的我已经爱上蓝天白云,大海渐层的颜色,还有悠哉的生活!下个星期我就脱难了!朋友们都羡慕我,但是悠哉的生活也要有充足的存款才能过得100%悠哉阿!人就是矛盾!在家呆久了,发霉了,就羡慕别人有工作。工作了呢?压力大就想过回乡下生活!可是没收入阿!到最后还是要硬着头皮去找工作!好了,说回正题吧。

没错啦!这次又到east coast park 去骑脚踏车啦!这次呢,多了两位“少见客”---晓万和阿贤这对情侣。但也少了一位---我男友。他因为昨晚打篮球脚痛,所以没有参与。上一次我们在bedok mall 搭的士,结果花了大约15分钟才到目的地。我还怪"gothere"apps 给我不准确的资料--显示五分钟会到。今天mydear交代我说到bedok mall 对面搭的士。可是哪里还蛮难等到一辆“青灯”的的士的。还好有人在那边下车我们才有的士搭。我一上车就问的士司机哪个方向搭的士去到east coast park 会比较靠近。的士司机说bedokmall, 可明明上次我们花了15分钟才到耶!Alamak!心里想说带他们走错方向了!可是上车后的五分钟,我们就到了!果然“gothere”apps 没骗人!




蓝天白云,清澈大海,阳光沙滩,MY LOVE!!!



今天花了半天在骑脚踏车上,到了两点多才去吃午餐!热死人啦!还好有搽防晒霜,不然就变烧猪了!!今天的午餐在bedok mall 的NeNeChicken吃。不知道是不是对它期望太高了,觉得还好而已。比起同样是韩国餐厅也以炸鸡为主的BonChon Chicken, 我觉得BonChonChicken 好吃多了!到现在还回味无穷,还想再去吃!!!推荐推荐!BonChon Chicken 就在BUGIS + 的ground floor!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Lee Hong's Birthday Celebration

11st March is Lee Hong's Birthday. We were planning to celebrate with her two weeks before and we decided to make the celebration on 10th March. The only "headache" matter was the birthday gift. Actually, it was not that "headache". As all her good friends know she love Mickey Mouse sososo much! But, what to buy? somethings got Mickey Mouse on the gift? phone case? too common... doll?unrealistic...bag?wallet?watch?she got lots of this kind of things.. I planned to buy something which is useful and she will use it everyday. Well, I decided to gift her Mickey Mouse bed sheet at the I think she never receive such birthday gift. What I think is she might feel happy when she enter her room and saw the giant Mickey because peeps nowadays always hide in the room(include me)..haha..

After I told Angel, Mam and Zent what I am going to buy for the birthday gift, they all agree with the idea and Angel said it is quite special and useful. I m still thinking is it too weird to buy bed sheet as birthday gift. I start to search it from Taobao and copy few design to let them choose. But, after I placed the order, the seller informed me they have no more stock for the bed sheet we order. Sad case..

This is the design of the bed sheet

After that, we started to seek for other birthday gift. One day, Angel told me she was looking for Polaroid camera. She said she was not sure Leehong got this kind of camera. I very confirmed that she don't have this and she would like to have one! because I remember she told me this kind of camera very cute and she plans to buy one but it is quite expensive (she told me long long time ago when I shopping with her). The price for a intax mini is around $129, $159 or $199 at Singapore retail shop. Hmm, it is very expensive and I think Malaysia can get a cheaper price.

At the same day, I received an email form QOO10 and I saw an ads bout Fujifilm intax mini. I clicked the link and start to search that intax mini on QOO10. Finally, I found a shop which selling the the intax mini at only $65++ with good reviews. was a good news for us. But, this price not included the case and film. I were quite regret not to buy the film together with the intax mini after I saw the film price at Sg retail shop,$15.50 for 10sheets!!! It is only $10++ at this online shop. This is the link:;;;;;;;;

My task was order the intax mini and Angel seeks for nice restaurant to celebrate LH's birthday. At the end, we decided to celebrate at Folks Collective ( It is a Thai restaurant. As we know LH love Thai food especially TOM YAM. I love the environment of the restaurant. Its Old Fashion interior design is awesome!! and the taste of their food is great!



All right, is time to pass the gift to her. Once she saw the intax mini she was super surprise and keep laughing all the night!! After we finished all the food, I went to the counter to take the cake which I asked the lady boss help me keep. When LH saw the cake, she said she is very touch because she saw peeps using cupcakes to celebrate birthday on FB. She feels it is very special and like it very much. SO ngam, I bought six cupcakes from Twelve Cupcakes as her birthday cake! The gift and the cake were what she wish to have! She said we can read her MIND!!

I didn't took picture at the night because my phone was low battery. So, I only took few pics from Angel and LH.